Saturday, September 12, 2009

Mining and Firehouses

Creede was one of the richest silver mining areas from 1890's until 1985 until the Hunt Brothers from Texas ruined the silver market. We went to the Mining Museum which was underground in one of the mines---very unusual and you really got an idea of what it was like. Then on all of our drives, we have seen many of the abandoned mines, including the Commodore which was the largest (here in the picture). With the increase in prices, the mines are being reopened in the next 3 years---there is still large veins here. The Bachelor Historic Loop (17 miles) took us up through the mountains to 8 abandoned mines. It kept raining off and on today with lots of sleet/hail mixture which covered the ground and made it look like snow.

Fred and Tex explore a mine opening.

Near the mining museum, the volunteer fire department is housed inside the mountain. Volunteers built this in part of the abandoned mine in 1976. Very unique--they let us walk though--each vehicle had its own "garage"

This antique fire engine was housed next to the modern one.

The old firehouse downtown has turned into a restaurant.
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