Saturday, April 10, 2010

Golf Cart City

If you live at Outdoor Resort, you really need a golf cart to get around. They are running around everywhere. The resort offers a full schedule of activities for members and guests. (exercise classes, craft classes, game groups, cards, poker, dominoes,) They run around on their golf carts to these meetings, to church, to get mail, to take dogs to the dog playground, to swim, etc. In the afternoon, the streets are busy as they visit their friends for happy hour.

Movie night at the clubhouse.

some of the golf carts are custom made like this one. We even saw one that looked like an Amish wagon, another like a pickup, one like a VW bug, all kinds of designs

this was our favorite.

They all had these enclosures so they could still use them in the wind and rain. Some couples even had a his and hers.
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