Sunday, September 13, 2009

Snow in the Mountains

Much to our surprise, it snowed in the mountains last night--this is Sept. 13!! Since today was football, we spent lots of time yesterday and today trying to find a spot for Fred to watch the game---had given up when the owner here said that he knew a bartender who was from Texas and had the NFL package in the bar. So we called and the game was on at 11:00. We had hot wings, visited with the locals, and watched the game--hurrah, the Cowboys won!! About being from Texas, it seems that half of the people here are from Texas. The camp hosts at both campgrounds were from Texas, about 10 people in the bar today, and a couple stopped us at the grocery to see what part we were from--they were from Texarkana. All come to spend the summer!!! Lots of Texas tags wherever you go.

After the game, we drove through Wolf Creek Pass and up some forest roads in the mountains. Got these beautiful shots of the snowfall from last night. These mountains are on the NM-CO border.

The South Fork of the Rio Grande rushing through the canyon at Blue Meadow.

The view from our campsite--we had a brief shower late in the afternoon and the most brillant rainbow. You can see a small part of it in the picture but the clouds were covering it up fast.

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