Friday, September 18, 2009

Mesa Verde NP, a World Heritage Site

Today we toured Mesa Verde where they have over 4,000 Pueblo Indian dwellings spread out in the canyons. We drove 21 miles into the park to reach the Cliff Palace which is the one we toured.

I Made IT!!! But I almost chickened out. We had to climb down 150 feet through the rocks on winding 12" wide steps carved by the CCC long ago. The ranger told up all about the people and how they lived. Then we had to climb more narrow, steep steps and 5 ladders to get out. Here I am on one of the short ladders.

Here Fred is walking on the edge---I stayed way back against the wall---that fear of heights, you know!!

We got our new tire today after ruining the other one on the sharp rocks in the mountains. We are leaving tomorrow (earlier than planned) to go to Laughlin NV. Why??? Dallas Cowboys game, of course!!! Fred is afraid they won't broadcast here but at the casinos, he will be able to find a sports bar. He can't miss that first home game of the season.
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